What will it take? Decreasing the fear, uncertainty, and doubt around climate action


Climate USA is a website dedicated to the big picture questions around climate change.

How did we get here?
What is the emissions picture?
What are the relevant technologies?
What will a renewable future look like?
How can solar and wind be predictable breadwinners?
How is it paid for?
Who is doing what?
How can I make a difference as an individual?

While there is a lot of educational material out there, it is not always presented simply and around the most relevant material.

Progress So Far: A look at our success in keeping carbon emissions stable over the last 30 years while the economy and population have grown.
Trends Over Time: A look at CO2, CH4, N2O, Temperature and Sea Level trends over the last several centuries.
Emissions Breakdown: A breakdown of the carbon emissions in the United States.
Renewables: A look at the solar and wind availability, factors, and cost.
Energy Storage: A look at energy storage technologies and cost like batteries, pumped hydro, hydrogen, and compressed air.
Energy Efficiency: A look at ways to make our homes and travel more energy efficient.
The Grid: Supersizing our grid infrastructure could be key to handling variance in renewable energy.

While most efforts are focused on ways to meet our energy demand with renewable sources, are there ways we can shape our energy demand to seasonal expectations on energy supply?

Are there ways for us to use plants to materially increase carbon absorption?

A summary of the international agreements on climate, what each level of government is doing and ways for private entities to contribute.

Breaking down the numbers on renewable energy needed, area needed, and potential carbon emissions decrease in a phase 1 effort focused on electricity, light duty vehicles, and space heating.

A discussion on capital cost, future savings and positive cash flow from wind and solar, and taxes.

What efforts and decisions can we all make to make a difference on climate change?